Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Good Reads

Oh John Green, you're gettin me! Gettin me in tears that is…

Well this is rare… 

If you know me, you know I DO NOT READ!! Haha I would usually rather do anything besides sit down and read, like how boring! I'd like to blame it on daily headaches, but the truth is, I just don't enjoy it. That is, unless I have a good read. 

I've been super anxious for the new movie "The Fault in our Stars", so I'm doing something very VERY rare, and trying to finish the book before the movie. Surprisingly, I'm loving it. Let's hope I can do this…& let's hope I don't bawl during the entire movie lol! Hits pretty close to home…

1 comment:

  1. I read this a month or so ago. Loved it! Let me know how you liked it! Love you :)
